
The Goal

The goal for this blog is to act as a journal that documents my personal experiments on success, productivity, and happiness. I want to show how I take concepts that I learn or have learned and apply them to my daily life to be more successful and happy. For the last 15 or so years I have been interested in psychology, religion, philosophy, and self development. I have always been fascinated by self-improvement and self-development and rejected the idea that anyone is stuck as they are now. This blog will document my process of learning and implementing strategies to help in various areas of my life. Additionally, I want to document the processes, habits, and tricks I already use to increase productivity and contentment in my life. The ultimate goal of the blog is to experiment on myself and test new methods of success and document my experiences. My hope is that the readers of this blog can adopt not only the concepts I discuss into their lives but also learn the overarching “meta-strategy” of HOW I gather and combine different principles into an effective system that works for me. Ideally, the readers of this blog should be able to create their own formula for success rather than following mine copy-paste. If everyone could follow the same path we would have found the best way to make everyone successful and thriving already.

Book Reviews

I will have full-length reviews of books that I have either just finished or have previously read that will discuss the major themes of the book and what major lessons or tools I have taken from them. I will also discuss different ways I apply what I have learned. Think Applied Cliffnotes.

Personal Projects

 I will be writing about what I am currently trying to accomplish in my own life both in tangible, physical terms as well as mental and emotional ones. The goal is to display how I am practicing different concepts in order to be more effective and happy.

I will document strategies, theories, concepts, and tactics I have used with success in the past. These articles will be more straightforward “advice” columns that describe a specific concept and how to implement it. This will include strategies pulled from my experience in Psychology and counseling, individual ideas pulled from books I have read, and my own techniques that I have found success with in lifestyle structure, habit-formation/breaking, mindset, and so on.

Why Me?

So why bother listening to me? The intent of this blog is not to give you the most cutting edge scientific information from the mouth of a foremost expert. Rather, the intent of this blog is to document how a regular person with a bit too much self-awareness pursues improvement and bettering himself. I hope this blog acts as a resource for people by showing how a regular person tries to do better every day. My grand idea is that this blog acts as a running documentary of my path and process to productivity, success, and happiness. Ideally readers will be able to see my process in all its messy glory and pick up some techniques and more importantly the mindset of improvement and self-analysis. It is a journey I hope you will join me on rather than watch from the sidelines. Eventually I would like this blog to function as a forum for people to discuss their own successes and failures in trying to be better every day.