Zachary Alexander

Exploring productivity, contentment, and success

How Setting Boundaries Builds Self-Worth

Boundaries are a necessary and healthy part of managing your life. They set the terms of engagement and help people understand how to treat you with respect, they allow you to shape your life to be more enjoyable, and they help keep disrespectful and hurtful people out of your life.  Somewhere along the road a…

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How to Overcome Setbacks to Your Goals

Dealing with setbacks is an inevitability when you are working towards goals in your life. Progress is determined more by how you handle setbacks than how you go about things when they are easy. All change and growth requires you to overcome challenges. In order to be effective at growing and developing as a person…

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How to Develop Self Confidence

One of the things I have always struggled with is self-confidence. Now that I’m getting a handle on that I think it would be useful to write about the model I am using to develop it.  Mental models are one of my favorite things to try to create. They take all the information you know…

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How to Use Neuroplasticity to Achieve Your Goals

Neuroplasticity is a physical function of your brain that engages when you begin repeating a behavior. As the behavior is repeated the brain is programmed to physically grow the neural connections responsible for making that behavior occur.  Have you ever picked up a guitar and been baffled by the people who seem to effortlessly hit…

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The Danger of Outcome-Based Goals

No one disputes that goals are an important part of succeeding at anything. It’s well-documented that setting goals helps people stay on track and succeed more often. However, I believe that goals can be dangerous to our long term growth and success if not used in an effective way.  Happy New Year! I love using…

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How to Overcome Self-Limiting Beliefs

For most of us, self-limiting beliefs are something we both consciously and unconsciously engage in. We have all doubted ourselves, assumed we would not be good enough, or decided that we would not get the opportunity we were hoping for. It’s part of being human to doubt yourself and manage your capability. But rarely do…

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